Wow I can't believe I have been blogging for 1 year ..
Lately I have been learning how to sew & making little outfits for Aubrey. It has been alot of fun & I am getting pretty good at it .. LOL !! Shelby won't wear anything I sew so for her. She's to cool to wear clothes mom makes .. but right now Aubrey will wear my clothes I make SOMETIMES ... 

This past weekend we had fun just hanging out @ home. We made personal pizzas, baked cookies & painted ... the girls really enjoyed spending the time with us and Mike & I really enjoyed just being home with the girls.
Made some cookies .....
Speaking of our girls ....
Shelby turned 12 in April & is about to go to 7th grade !!! WOW !! Where did our little girl go ? She's definately turning into a teenager but she is still sweet when she wants something. She loves to draw & is very creative . She is always making signs to hang all over her walls in her room. She love anything zebra print or lime green. She's at that stage where she loves to take pictures of herself but won't let me take any of her which is sooo annoying !!
Aubrey is also growing up soo fast. She is fully potty trained ... YEAH !!! She loves to sing . I think her favorite songs are abc's, twinkle twinkle & Jesus loves me .... cause she is always singing those 3 songs over & over all day. She's very friendly & always wants to know eveyone's name when she goes places. It's really cute. She talks ALL THE TIME !! She always asks Why ? to everything . She tells us "Don't say whatever... that's rude " and " Wanna see my booty crack ?" which she thinks is SOOOO funny . She's very funny & knows it. She also loves taking pictures of herself with our camera but doesn't care for us to take her picture anymore. I can sneak them sometimes but she has to be in a good mood for it to turn out good.. lol ... She tells us "no papparozzi "

Britanee graduated from high school in June ... YEAH !!! She just started working @ Sally's Beauty Supply. She's pretty much always with her boyfriend so we don't see much of her anymore but .. she's 18 & that's what they do @ that age !!!
~ Nichole
Awww that family night looks so fun!!!